I've been a user of 1password since version 3 and it has become so integrated into what I do that I'm stuck with it.
Anyway, since they released v5 on iOS you've no longer been able to sync between idevices and your Mac. It wasn't until Yosemite was released and the intro of iCloud Drive that this syncing was restored
To my shock after upgrading the wife's computer to Yosemite yesterday, that even though we have the most up to date version of 1Password, because we bought it directly from the developer (agilebits) that it won't sync via iCloud. If I bought it via the Mac App Store, then it would work.
At no time did I receive an email or any info stating this. All I received were messages saying that I needed to upgrade to Yosemite to get things working again
This seems pretty crap and is something that Apple have implemented (only Mac App Store apps can access iCloud Drive).
I've lodged a help request/complaint to see if they can offer codes to move over to the Mac App Store version. Will see what happens. I don't have the $44 to spend on getting the same app again.
この同期できない問題というのはMacTalkに投稿されたバージョン3からの1Passwordユーザーによるもので、なんでもMac App Storeからではなく1Passwordのサイトから購入したアプリではiCloud経由での同期ができなくなったとのこと。
Yosemite(iCloud Drive)からはMac App Store経由で購入したアプリのみiCloud Drive経由の同期が可能になり、最新バージョン1Passwordを使っているにもかかわらずウェブストアから購入した1Passwordでは同期機能は使えないということのようです。
このユーザー、Macの1Passwordは非常に高価なアプリなので新規の購入意思はなかったようで、Mac App Storeバージョンの1Passwordに乗り換えるためのコードを提供でしてもらえないかと1Password側に問い合わせしたが、当たり前というべきか無料クーポンコードはやはりもらえませんでした。
古くからの1Passwordユーザー、1PasswordがまだMac App Storeになかったときからの古参ユーザーにとってみるとiCloud Driveは、もどかしい仕様になってしまったといえるかもしれませんね。
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